tag "nostr"
- A vision for content discovery and relay usage for basic social-networking in Nostr
- nostr - Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays
- Why I don't like NIP-26 as a solution for key management
- Setting up a handler for `nostr:` links on your Desktop, even if you don't use a native client
- Nostr: a quick introduction, attempt #1
- How to do curation and businesses on Nostr
- Nostr: a quick introduction, attempt #2
- The case against edits
- Thoughts on Nostr key management
- Why relay hints are important
- `kind:1` maximalism and the future of other stuff and Nostr decentralization
- About Nostr, email and subscriptions
- Censorship-resistant relay discovery in Nostr
- How being "flexible" can bloat a protocol
- Nostr is not decentralized nor censorship-resistant